An old fable with a twist in the tale from my friend Nandan
An eager young yogi, seeking a great master, knocks on the door of a Siddha
Knock Knock!
“Who is it”
“It is I, Shishu, I seek your tutelage, O great master”
“You are not ready, go away”
The student applies himself to learning and returns to the great master a year later
Knock Knock!
“Who is it”
“It is somebody who seeks your tutelage, O great master”
“You are not ready, go away”
The student applies himself to learning and returns to the great master a year later
Knock Knock!
“Who is it”
“It is no body seeking your tutleage, O great master”
“You are not ready, go away”
The student applies himself to yet another year of learning learning and returns to the great master
Knock Knock!
“Who is it”
The young student remains silent
The master does not open the door
The student applies himself to yet another year of learning learning and returns to the great master
This time he does not knock, he simply waits quietly outside the great masters hut; in silence, for days. Many days later, the great Siddha emerges from his hut, smiles benvolently at the student and says “you are now ready, come in”.