Meanerdings of a traveller on a journey to nowhere. The only search is one for perspective. To see beyond the seeing, hear beyong the hearing and feel from the heart beyond the emotion….. To become the witness, to not differentiate and to joyfully accept the nature of everything

The Vital Energy Blog

A million shards..

Again I find myself at that point

The point I have visited several times before

Where I break up into a millions shards of glass

Nowhere to go, nowhere to run..

A pile of shining dust

Pick it all up and start again

Put it all together in a new way..

A way that takes me away…, anew…

Tempted to run back

To the place I have known

Avoid the discomfort, live a lie..

This time I try… and try..

Not to run back, not to cry..

To transcend to another self..

So I may see more and experience more

Move to a place where I am one with me

Where I belong to no one and yet belong to all



