Meanerdings of a traveller on a journey to nowhere. The only search is one for perspective. To see beyond the seeing, hear beyong the hearing and feel from the heart beyond the emotion….. To become the witness, to not differentiate and to joyfully accept the nature of everything

The Vital Energy Blog

Category: Poetry by Bharat Thakur

  • Pause

    A pregnant pause is a prerequisite to enter a portal of potential… A preoccupation with the past or a future quite unessential… Bharat Thakur

  • Unveil

    Whenever we’ve felt a trifle ensnared… It was but a hidden strand of us bared… Bharat Thakur

  • Silence

    Fighting with the mind it simply grew stronger… Quiet it became when we minded it no longer… Bharat Thakur

  • Dance of balance

    We specialise swills around the darkness before dawn… There are secrets to unfold before the birth of the morn… Bhart Thakur

  • Seeing

    We see in another only ever what we are… A stone..a mountain..a pebble..a star – Bharat Thakur

  • Mystery

    From every side the silence was roaring in such a way answers came even for questions not asked…. Here a friendship had started to deepen with autmn There a fresh youthfulness came upon dry trees… The clouds were tumbling black ink into the skies Like a silver dart a milky moon came tearing through… Raindrops…

  • Melt into the beloved

    Our hearts pray to be melted away On the kind earth all weapons to lay Sewing all patches into one glorious quilt Tuning the soul to the beloved’s play Bharat Thakur